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You Are the Three Principles School:
Sharing the Truth that Lies Within Each and Every One of Us
April 22, 23 and 24, 2022
Via Zoom from Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The Three Principles School has hosted people from all over the world now for over ten years. We have done our best to follow the guidance Sydney Banks shared with us when it first began in 2008. His advice was simple and straightforward, “Keep it simple, speak from the heart and look to a beautiful feeling to be the guide.” From the moment Syd had his experience in 1973, he saw everyone who came to learn from him as having the same wisdom he had found, deep within their souls. He saw everyone from this perspective and asked us to do the same.
“If you’re searching for happiness, if you are searching for tranquility, if you’re searching just to have a nice, peaceful, loving, understanding life, in actual fact, you’re searching for your inner self.” Sydney Banks
The Three Principles, as discovered and taught by Sydney Banks, inform the field of psychology in insightful, simple, yet profound ways regarding the workings of thought and our personal minds. On an individual level, however, the most profound and impactful secrets they hold are found, as Syd often said, in a “feeling” or “state of mind” lying within each and every one of us. When we look in the direction of “our own true nature,” away from the ups and downs of our personal thinking, away from endless analysis and judgement, to a more quiet and reflective state, we begin to see our entire experience with new insight, understanding and compassion. This is the “going inside” that Syd so often spoke of, and what we will explore in this session of the school.
“All you have to start to do, is to realize you are this superconscious state, and as you start to truly realize and experience the fact, then the superconscious state will turn around, and take care of you and guide you, and take you home to where you belong.” Sydney Banks
Everyone, regardless of the current condition of their lives, has such an experience available to them. Please join us via Zoom this April as we explore together how the gift and legacy of Sydney Banks is teaching us to “accept the gift of love,” find a whole new world inside ourselves and, in turn, a life that we could never have imagined or thought possible.
Warmest regards,
Chip Chipman, Jan Chipman and Elsie Spittle
Please Note: Elsie, who will be enjoying a lighter schedule this spring, will be a guest speaker at the School on April 24th.